I AM Teen Becoming

I AM Teen Becoming

A Guided Journal of Self-Discovery & Self-Leadership

I AM Teen Becoming is a journal for girls and young women that delivers a simple message of self-discovery, authenticity, and self-leadership.

Amazon’s best-seller I AM Teen Becoming A Guided Journal of Self-Discovery & Self-Leadership received The Living Now® Book Award, recognized as one of the nation’s best journal books for young women.

The journal is designed to guide you through what you don’t learn in school and what you don’t always hear at home.

I AM Teen Becoming A Guided Journal of Self-Discovery & Self-Leadership is an interactive journal that inspires and guides you through the deepest and most important conversation you will have with yourself. Your journey will begin with discovering and reflecting on who you are and how you came to be and continues by challenging you to explore through identifying and connecting with yourself and others to live authentically!



The Power of Parenting

I AM Teen Becoming

The Power of Parenting

The Power of Parenting journal is an interactive parent journal that complements the teen journal, guiding and inspiring parents to reflect on their parenting goals and styles.

I AM Teen Becoming The Power of Parenting evolved from Isa’s ongoing teen coaching and focus group interactions. She kept hearing from girls about “how great it would be for their parents to also go through such a journey” and “I will be sharing this journal with my mom and dad; they need it too.” I AM Teen Becoming

The Power of Parenting journal ranked on Amazon’s Top 100 Bestseller List, a Bestseller in the Single Parenting category.

The Power of Parenting journal leads parents through a seven-week guided journey, asking them to evaluate their parenting goals and styles. With renewed self-awareness, parents will develop more meaningful relationships with their teens.





What you’re saying

I love this book so much I bought it for myself and the parent one for my mom but now I feel like buying it for all my friends!

I love to have a journal that doesn’t ask me to set goals but pushed me to figure myself out!

This journal is so beautiful! I love all the doodle pages – the butterfly – it’s so warm and personal! I love that I can take this journey with my mom and now we have away about real stuff without making me feel uncomfortable.

Thank you, Isa! This has allowed me to revisit my parenting style with my daughters parenting needs.

Isa describes her message as simple but it is anything but simple. It is powerful truth! You have to be ready to be honest and peel back the layers of yourself and your life to read this.

The content is refreshing, raw, and just great! I always look forward to answering daily questions, it helps me start my day on a more positive note. I look forward to finishing and sharing the journal with my friends.

This is more than just a journal. There are great writing prompts to help you discover things about yourself you would not have thought of otherwise. This journal is a great way to zone out and zone in with yourself. This book makes me feel normal. Like there are other people out there like me and that I’m not alone. I recommend this book because it is some real talk!

Looking at this book you’d think it would be only for parents who have girls… I am here to tell you that is completely wrong. I am a boy mom and I have been learning so much about myself and my parenting style through this journal. This book is meant to help you dig deep into your parenting style, why you do what you do, and help you alter some things. Every child is different and your parenting style needs to change and adapt to best meet their needs. Whatever stage you are currently in in life, you will learn something incredible about your journey in life. New parents or veteran parents, this book is for us all!

I have waited to send you my overview of how your book has impacted my life because truthfully, I was scared to reveal my true self – my true feelings – and my raw thoughts because of how deep and even resentful they might have sounded.I needed to forgive not only others but myself for allowing people to dictate who I was and who I thought I should be. So, I decided to take one step at a time to not overwhelm myself with the process of growth and self-discovery. Isa, I have broken down barriers I didn’t realized even know existed! By visualizing on paper, the Root causes of needing validation l was led to the next step of becoming a version of myself I thought I had lost – being my authentic self. A sweet little girl that is faithful to helping people started wanting to comfort people even if she was uncomfortable. By highlighting the core of how I felt I understood that unresolved trauma created this unshakeable coping mechanism that hindered me from enjoying the wonders of life! It was like being an actress for the main character in my life instead of being ME. It shed light on my challenges of communication. I could hear a person- try to understand them but it was something that didn’t connect with hearing them correctly. I finally just said it, I thought everyone was trying to hurt me. The process of how I cope wouldn’t allow me to actually listen or process letting my guard down for anyone I’d been pretending and needed validation for so long till I got to the point of not knowing truth or noticing values. We- humans – get so caught up in quick fixes instead of taking the time and attention to feel. Establishing boundaries has helped me to- for one learn to love myself, two being able to discern who is actually for me, and three staying committed to becoming the best version on me! LIVING MY BEST LIFE. Although it sounds all cute and fun it took so much to get here but I love the woman I am becoming. I am forever grateful to hold this journal and to meet such a loving woman. It has served as a blessing and led me to find truth in my soul purpose of being on earth.

Your book is wonderful. I really have enjoyed the reflective questions, and the emphasis on authenticity and living your truth. Recognizing the influence of one’s parents, positive and negative experiences through their life-is important at any age. I feel like I will get just as much from this as someone in their teens 😊 I am still working through it, but am so grateful for the journey you have set me on! ❤️ 🦋